Spin-off Mailbag: How do you get in touch with Investor Relations?

One of the reasons that I love investing in small and micro-cap companies is that generally it’s easy to get in touch with management and/or investor relations.

But sometimes, investor relations is hard to track down.

Today, I’m going to walk through the specific tactics that I use to get in touch with management/IR:

I love talking to investor relations / management.


A couple reasons:

  1. It helps me confirm the facts.
  2. It helps me get up to speed on a company faster.
  3. It allows me to “feel” whether insiders are excited or not about their stock.

How do you find contact info to set up a call with a company?

The best place to look is the investor relations section of the website:

Usually there is contact information that allows you to reach out directly:

Email the address that is listed. I’ve found the following script works best:

“Hi [First Name],

I’m a shareholder of (Company Name) and had a few questions about your most recent quarter.

Do you have a few minutes to connect this week?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,


A couple tips on your email:

#1 It’s generally best to address your email to someone.

“Hi (First Name),” instead of just “Hi,”

Scour the website to find whoever is in charge of IR.

#2 Keep your email short and sweet.

Another tip on how to find the right person to email….

At the end of most press releases, Companies will often include an IR contact. If someone is identified, email that person as opposed to the generic investor relations address.

What to do after you email?

I usually wait an hour and then call the IR number and note “I’m just following up on an email”

If nobody calls back, I will usually call again every day until I hear back.

My experience is that calling works better than emailing.

What if calling and emailing doesn’t work?

You have to go rogue because 1) your message isn’t getting to the right person or 2) they just don’t care.

In this case, I like to reach out to a bunch of people that work at the company. The best way to do this is through LinkedIn.

Think CEO, CFO, Board Member, Chief Strategy Office, etc.

On LinkedIn, instead of sending a message (requires premium subscription), I send a request to connect but add a message that I’m a shareholder and would like to chat about the company.

They may not respond to you (sometimes they will) but they will likely reach out to the IR person and nudge them to connect with you.

That’s all I got!

Are there any tactics that you use to connect with investor relations or a management team?